Jul 20Liked by Vagrant of Rhodes

Exactly. Arguing about the moral nature of your actions after you've won is one thing. But worrying about getting some lady fired when the enemy is trying to eradicate you, your family, your friends, your entire race, your history, any evidence at all of your existence, seems to be rather silly. Just win, baby. Shut up about how you feel about it until after its done. No ones is gonna give a shit how you feel if you lose.

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It's more than a little bit like Hamas hiding behind civilians; there will be casualties and not all of them without guilt.

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You have zero evidence that Hamas uses human shields zionist.

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Yep, no evidence at all. Eyes wide shut.

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Bypass normie-cons and get shit done. People respond to success. The Conservative Movement of William Buckley failed to protect our people from the menace of communism, and at enormous cost to us. The upcoming movement of rightists need only demonstrate success to displace them.

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This is partly why Trump's survival of the assassination is so important. People follow strength, and he showed it by surviving a bullet. We need to adopt that energy and win.

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“Get shit done”: people are naturally inclined to follow and copy success. This is great advice. Stop trying to convince the normies with arguments, instead take some scalps and rack up some Ws, and they’ll fall in line.

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Yes. Similarly, never allow the left to ascend to power: Punish them without guilt. We've gotten a taste of what happens when the left succeed. No more of that!

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Jul 20Liked by Vagrant of Rhodes

The big question is- how does the right fight back without turning into a reflection of the evil they are fighting against? The answer is in the power of convictions. Take for instance the infamous walk of the disgraced, failed and utterly moronic director of the Secret Service right through the RNC grounds, and the Republicans following after her asking her questions while she treats them like a car driving away from barking dogs. Why was she not made to stop and answer questions? She took the fate of our country in her hands and they treated her like she was untouchable. It’s unnerving! If they could playin a loop all the egregious acts perpetrated by the left continuously so they could never forget, lest they begin to fall back into the false assumption that they are dealing with normal people who can be reasoned with. Why is Mayorkas still collecting a paycheck? Why is he not in the custody of the Sargent-At-Arms?

They need to channel Nancy Pelosi and remember how she fearlessly executed everything without fear. How demoralized are we?!!!

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Jul 20Liked by Vagrant of Rhodes

Good take. Over the coming months and years, there will be a lot of screeching about how the chosen means of securing a future for the correct posterity aren't morally justifiable, so people are going to need a lot of reminding.

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Jul 20Liked by Vagrant of Rhodes

THANK YOU. A most needed article.

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Jul 20Liked by Vagrant of Rhodes

Wow man this was bad ass! I could reatack with 10 different banging quotes!

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Thank you so much, glad you enjoyed it!

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Excellent piece. Going to quote it in something I'll publish shortly.

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I see generalities heaped on generalities. What specific actions are we advocating for here? Crowder-shaming brainwashed poverty wage slaves and forcing them into destitution? Perverting the justice system according to a different set of political preferences? Murdering public figures you find distasteful? Where do you draw the line of too disgusting?

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Shaming and forcing into destitution brainwashed poverty wage slaves is good target practice, but these are low value targets. Aim higher! Go for a prominent celebrity or woke CEO of a Fortune 500 company. Those are much higher value targets. Bag ‘em and tag ‘em. The Bud Light boycott set a great example, but it was a one-off. We need to systematize that. I would LOVE to see someone like Bob Iger unceremoniously dumped out of Disney and publicly shamed for wokeifying the company.

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As someone who used to work for The Rat I couldn’t agree more.

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Fight fire with fire. We are ALL already "poverty wage slaves". Start by abolishing entire departments of the government, especially and first DO Education. Outlaw stock trading while in public office. Reduce the number of federal government employees, except for vital services, by minimum 70%. Abolish the Fed. Do not allow any more raises of the debt ceiling. Make a balanced budget and plan to payoff the deficit a requirement of any spending. Establish a flat tax and a VAT. Abolish most of the tax code. Outlaw lobbying. Set term limits. Make anything but merit based hiring illegal. Withdraw federal funding to universities that teach grievance studies, gender studies or any Marxists ideologies. I could go on. Most of the "ills" start with influence pedalling of our politicians. Millions should be marching on WA DC. No deaths required.

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Those are reasonable policy positions, but the subject is the acceptable limits of retaliation.

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Unfortunately, there are no 'acceptable' limits to retaliation. Thank Hollywood. The author is looking for engagement, not solutions. Engagement gets clicks; solutions don't. Politics and monetization. Everyone needs to make a living. 🙄

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For all that, we would need representation, chosen by way of legitimate elections in which only living American citizens can vote.

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Some good red pills here, thanks.

Typically, the GOP gets too much credit when their track record is brought up. The GOP is the Professional Loser wing of the Uniparty. Their job is to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, then make more promises they intend to break while guilting us for campaign funds.

They don't fail because they're naive, gullible, nostalgic or whatever. They fail because that's their job. It's the people who believe they represent an alternative to the Democrats who are naive, gullible, nostalgic or whatever. I know because I used to be one.

As I often say: there is no law; there is only force. To pretend otherwise is delusional.

Our Jacobin enemies have been willing to use force; we have not. We have them possibly outnumbered and certainly outgunned, but we let them hit us below the belt with bunker busters while we refuse to fire so much as a spitball back.

The trainwreck of our country will not stop or even slow down until most of us accept the fact that the other side is not made up of "misguided libruls." They are bloodthirsty thieves, murderers, perverts and rapists drunk with power who hate us and hate our country and are destroying what's left of it gleefully. They haven't changed. They've always been what they are, now. The seeming transformation is nothing but their achievement of monopoly on institutional power. They were civil out of necessity when people like us held the reins. Now, if "conservatives" can't see their true colors, those "conservatives" are part of the problem.

By all means fight. If somebody doesn't have the guts to fight beside us, they should at least refrain from concern trolling, tone policing, and other forms of backbiting.

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I'm so vain, I kinda think this scolding was about me

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I’ve come to the conclusion that those seeking to limit responses to those who wish President Trump dead are really just liberals, possibly conservative liberals, but they aren’t our fellow travelers.

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You make an eloquent point. The question remains: what are the limits to the tactics we should use on the Right? Should we shoot people in the streets? Of course not.

I agree that we have a ‘teachable moment’ right now and we should not waste it with scruples about ridicule or ‘being mean’. But we should allow our consciences to govern our behavior. That’s the only way to get a civil society at the end of the day.

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I can’t think of any legal leftist tactic that we shouldn’t use. We are not embarked on a Sunday school picnic. We are in a war for the future of western civilisation.

We should also seek to expand the scope of lawfare, targeting officials, their supporters, and activist individuals and front organisations in friendly jurisdictions. Boycotts can work too.

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It may come to that. In the Burn Loot Murder riots of 2020 for instance, what's your argument that some of those savages and revolutionaries should NOT have been shot in the streets?

Taking out a few of the agitators and organizers early on would have saved a lot of lives, liberty and property that summer.

We are in a 5GW. This isn't 1962 Mayberry, as the OP tried to point out.

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I really enjoyed the article - thank you!

The nostalgia for childhood and wanting to return to ‘Fresh Prince’ feels very strong right now.

What do you think - is the idea of childhood itself a modern invention?

Philippe Ariès argued that ‘childhood’ as we know it was created by modern society. He looked at art, gravestones, furniture, and school records and found that before the 17th century, children were shown as mini-adults.

You probably already be familiar with The Sibling Society and Pathological Altruism- really fitting books to shed light on today’s world.

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You're going to regret idolizing Trump. Especially if he gets elected.

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Thanks for the link to the work of this brilliant writer.

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This essay is 100% truth. We are in a war. If we do anything less than win, we will lose everything we have. There is no "middle way" except as a way to defeat,

"...that the left-right struggle is a war between people who want to take away our freedom, and we the people who want to be free. Ours is a battle in an ancient war, between the people who want control and the people who want freedom: It’s the Battle of America. And we can't afford to lose.... "

[from my Substack]

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